

Posted by Aj Johnson on 7th Apr 2024


In the quiet dawn, beneath the sky's vast dome, Where light whispers secrets, and the winds softly roam, There lies a tale, woven deep within the soul, Of a journey to self-love, a most noble goal.

Begin with a whisper, a tender, gentle thought, "I am worthy of love," a battle bravely fought. For within these words lies power, immense, A key to unlock self-love, a sense so intense.

Embrace every flaw, every scar, every tear, For they are but stories, of battles, far and near. They mold you, shape you, into who you are, A being of light, a radiant, shining star.

Look into the mirror, past doubt and fear, And say, "I am enough," let this be your spear. To pierce through the shadows, the darkness within, And light up the love, that has always been.

Nourish your soul, with kindness, with care, For self-love is a garden, tender and rare. Water it with joy, with laughter and dreams, And watch as it blossoms, in radiant beams.

For self-love is a journey, not a destination, A path of growth, of constant transformation. So walk with pride, with your head held high, And love yourself, beneath the vast, endless sky.

In this poem of self-love, may you find your grace, A reflection of beauty, in your own embrace. For you are unique, a masterpiece, a song, In the symphony of life, where you truly belong.